Re-opening Business after COVID-19

During any disaster there are plans that need to be developed before, during and after.  As businesses re-opened throughout the COVID19 pandemic, there was a shock to many on how to re-open safely. This may entail everything from social distancing to cleaning surfaces to provide services in a safe way.  Was your company prepared?  Some companies were more prepared than other because they had a disaster/emergency preparedness plan for bad weather or local issues such as power outages.

There are some remarkably simple things that you can do to begin writing policies and procedures to protect your employees and your customers during these times.  Here are some quick things you can do to provide those services.

  1. Address how your operations may be impacted and how you will deal with those.
    1. Will you have to scale down your hours?
    2. Who are the employees that can work from home?
    3. What employees are essential to onsite operations?
    4. Are shift times changing?
    5. Change to occupancy levels on site?
  2. Identify any health issues that must be addressed. Review areas that need to be touched by customer and employees in a health crisis.
    1. Create a policy for how to clean the surfaces:
      1. How frequently they should be cleaned?
      2. What products will be used to clean?
    2. Exactly how will employee areas for lunch be cleaned or limited to account for things like social distancing?
  3. Have a pre-established mechanism for communicating with employees and customer.
    1. Are you making use of technology where appropriate?
    2. Did you consider limited access to technology by the end users? (How will you deal with that?)
    3. Have you created a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and the answers?

For more information, schedule your appointment below.

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